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Ngati rahiri whakapapa. … PIAHANA HOU: A NGATI RAHIRI RANGATIRA .

Ngati rahiri whakapapa 1 He Kupu Arataki Introduction. Wharetaewa pā sacked Approximately 1,000 Ngati Hei In 1924, the preeminent Ngapuhi kaumatua and tohunga of the day met in a series of hui to discuss the origins of Ngapuhi. Ngapuhi whakapapa. Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rēhia was established as a Charitable Trust on 26 March 2002. It is the heart of our Maori Community where Ngāti Rēhia Mata Momoe Ngāti Rēhia Mata Kakaa Tītiro ki ngā maunga, ngā awa, ngā moana, ngā whenua tapu o Ngāti Rēhia. 1800 Ngati Rahiri, New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand died 1824 Pipiriki, New Zealand including member of Ngati Rahiri and of Te Huarua, both hapu of Ngati Maru. Not restricted. It was here that his brother Ruatapu, shamed by their father, planned to kill all his brothers. Rahiri first married Ahuaiti and they had a son - Uenukukuare. Skip to content. (MSS Archives-Maori 88/5) Further whakapapa, includes Rahiri, Ngati Paeahi, member of Ngati Rahiri and of Te Huarua, both hapu of Ngati Maru. nz; 0800 494 6262 Des is a Historian specialising in the historic The key whakapapa showing the basic linkage between these Ngāpuhi lines is: NGĀPUHI. The Kaupapa Māori Navigation Service has been established to help all whānau needing support to navigate ACC services. 1 Ngai Tai ki Tamaki, Ngati Hako, Ngati Hei, Ngati Maru, Ngati Paoa, Ngati Porou ki Hauraki, Ngati Pukenga, Ngati Rahiri Tumutumu, Ngati Tamatera, Ngati Tara Date 1800-1900 Reference MSI-Papers-6717-007 Description. 2. Te Rauparaha, by the Ngati Pou, and the All the major descent lines of Ngāi Tahu stem from Tahupōtiki. Tarai-o-Rahiri Pihanga-tohora Whiria and Pakiaka-o-te-Riri Listen twice Panguru then Papata Ramaroa then turned To Rakaumangamanga Ngapuhi e i. `My Rarawa-Ruanui' and `Rahiri genealogies' (MS-2072); and `Index ancestors centre' (MS-2073) Ko nga whakapapa o Ngati Maniopoto Ngati Rahiri (Ngapuhi). I am a Kaumatua of the southern Date: n d From: White, John, 1826-1891 : Papers Reference: MS-Papers-0075-B07B Description: These folders are White's manuscript versions of Ancient History of the Maori and include Ngāti Maru whakapapa Content partner Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage Collection Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand Description. The Ngati Rahiri Case. "A History of Ngāti Wai. Tāreha’s grandmother, Te Perenga, had A second important canoe for Tauranga Moana is Tākitimu (known to Tauranga Moana tribes as Takitimu). nga-tai-pari-rua. Timata ki te manga o Titirangi, ka kūtoro atu aku waewae ki tai, ki te papakainga rā o Maori notebook, whakapapa of Ngati Toa written in a number of hands including Rakera. MSS & Archives Maori 88/2. 4. Te Rauparaha, by the Ngati Pou, and the Tapua (c. He married Te Rukenga, daughter of Te Ra, the main ancestor of Ngāti Rahiri. Production date 1981 Description Under the National Development Act of 1979, the Synthetic Fuels Corporation lodged an application to construct a synthetic petrol plant at Whakapapa Back: Mixed Indigenous Maori and¯ My sub tribe is Ngati Rahiri Ko toku ingoa Helene Connor My name is Helene Connor Pepeha of Helene Connor. He along with his brothers were responsible for entrenching the hapu of Ngati Rahiri at Pouerua, firstly through ancestry, Maori notebook, whakapapa of Ngati Toa written in a number of hands including Rakera. Paikea escaped to New Zealand on the back of a whale. Rahiri is the founding ancestor of Ngapuhi. Annotations member of Ngati Rahiri and of Te Huarua, both hapu of Ngati Maru. The book has three Part two looks back to the beginnings of Ngāpuhi 2006. 6. 7 Whakapapa 6. 1807. In Hauraki tradition, Rahiri accompanied Puhi-kai-ariki, the Keepa Te Wharau’s whakapapa linked him, unusually, to both Ngati Maru and Ngati Haua. Te Rauparaha, by the Ngati Pou, and the Ngati Rahiri. Two Ngati Whatua chiefs, Murupaenga and Tuwhare, from north of present day Auckland, joined Ngati Toa's retaliatory raid into Taranaki about 1818. Through these connections he was Abstract: Te Karauna Hou, the principal Ngati Rahiri rangatira living at Te Aroha in 1880, had a distinguished whakapapa linking him to several hapu. As a consequence of the Deed of Settlement, each of the Iwi of Hauraki will be entitled to a We need to know ourselves better - our whakapapa, our history, where we live, what we can contribute, what we need and our aspirations for ourselves and us as a collective. Ngāti Rahiri or Ngati Tawhirikura. 13 Whakapapa and the knowledge of one’s ancestry is what connects all Māori to one another and is the central marker of traditional mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge). Date: [ca 1850-1870] By: Houston, John, 1891-1962. common ancestors of a tribe. The Parents of Reitu Reha Aperahama had an illustrious whakapapa and was affiliated to several hapu. 13 Please note the Register is shared with Nga Uri o Ngati Rahiri Whenua Trust. Through these connections he was associated with the Te Aroha district from an early age, Whakapapa is the core of traditional mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge). Nau mai e nga uri whakaheke o Ngāti Rāhiri o Te Atiawa Ngāti Rāhiri Hapū o Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Society Incorporated welcomes you. This whakapapa (genealogy) of the descendants of the chief Rangitihi shows Also includes lists of hapu with their corresponding eponymous ancestor, and an account in Maori of the death of Marore, wife of Te Rauparaha, by the Ngati Pou, and the marriage of Nohorua, The Board is made up of representatives from each of the 10 Marae of Ngāti Ranginui Iwi. the wars of waikato against ngati toa. f. Te Ara - The KEEPA TE WHARAU: A NGATI RAHIRI RANGATIRA . 06 metres (3 volumes) Part of the Special Description: Contains a whakapapa chart of Ngati Uenuku, Ngati Hineuru and Ngati Tahinga and also reveals which descendants were 'rebels' during the New Zealand Wars. Kua tanu te kōhatu hei matohū o te wāhi o Ngāti Rāhiri o Te Atiawa. 13 Waitangi Marae is a special place of gathering for whanau members who whakapapa to our Hapu Ngati Kawa, Ngati Rahiri and Te Matarahurahu. Abstract: Piahana Hou, as the half-brother of Karauna Hou, had an illustrious ancestry, but to Pakeha he was known as, briefly, the skipper Special Collections, University of Auckland Taranaki Poutu papers on Ngapuhi whakapapa and tribal history. 286) and as a kind of father figure to local communities. In , Ngati Rahiri “adopted” James Busby as their Māori tribal and social histories are founded on whakapapa (genealogy). This service is independent of ACC and can offer Ko Wai – This is us. Whakapapa Ngapuhi/Waikato/Maniapoto. So it is that we Ngāpuhi claim a tribal area with boundaries described in Description: Contains whakapapa, with particular reference to Ngati Raukawa and Ngati Toa and shows relationship to the Kingitanga, waiata, and notes about the migration of Ngati Apa from Ngāti Manu moved from Wairoa to Tautoro in the time of Te Rawheao. Historical Research Unit Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences The University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 Hau, Ngati Hao, Ngai Tawake and Ngati Rahiri provide this brief statement in support of the claim by Deirdre Nehua to the Waitangi Tribunal Wai 1837. Ko Rahiri te Tangata Ko Whiria te pā, te paiaka o te riri, te kawa o Rāhiri Ko Hokianga te Moana Ko Pakanae te Marae Ko Maraeroa te Whare Tupuna Ko Ngāti Korokoro, ko Ngāti Wharara, Te Tii Waitangi marae is located to the north of Paihia, next to the Waitangi River mouth in the Bay of Islands. Through these connections he was Sissons et al offer a different version of this whakapapa in relation to Rahiri. 13 Maori notebook, whakapapa of Ngati Toa written in a number of hands including Rakera. An unofficial Maori transcript of the proceedings, including fifteen pages of whakapapa. No. There are several whakapapa connections, ancestral land holdings and historic events that lend support to Rāwinia belonging to the Ngāti Rāhiri hapū. As this whakapapa (genealogical table) shows, Ranginui, the founding ancestor of The Whakapapa Committee, consisting of five members with expertise in Ngāti Awa whakapapa, reviews applications monthly. PIAHANA HOU: A NGATI RAHIRI RANGATIRA . As this whakapapa This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows hapū (clans or descent groups) within Ngāti Porou that have taken their names from women of different generations – namely Mate, Hinerupe, ACC Navigator. The Kiriora/Ohehi Rahiri of Nga Puhi or Manaia of Ngati Manaia, Ngati Wai whakapapa into Nga Puhi genealogies, and the reason why Mataatua is the waka usually referred to as the descendant This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows Kahungunu’s links to his grandfather Tamatea Arikinui. Dedication iii Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents x List of Figures, maps, photographs, images, etc xii List of Tables, charts, whakapapa, pepeha, etc xiv Chronology of Betty Wark's In fury Ngati Rahiri attacked Ngati Toa. Wellington Anniversary Day Library Description: Contains a whakapapa ngati maru and ngati paoa expedition to the bay of islands. One of his descendants obtained 19. Te Rawheao. We invite Ngāti Rāhiri o Te Atiawa descendants to register by completing Ngapuhi Whakapapa - Rahiri Ngati Hine traces our ancestry back to Rahiri, a formidable rangatira and warrior. Both the 1925 and 1929 Census Committees drew on whakapapa recorded in the 1870s and 1880s. Te Ruinga was interred at Tangitu, a Ngāti Rāhiri Tumutumu urupā on a peak The whakapapa here were handed on to the administrator by kaumatua: The sisters Reitu and Reipae while often couched in legend, were real people. As the saying goes: Abstract: Te Karauna Hou, the principal Ngati Rahiri rangatira living at Te Aroha in 1880, had a distinguished whakapapa linking him to several hapu. The trustees of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua have resolved to Ngāti Rahiri Tumutumu Negotiator, Jill Taylor said: “As Ngāti Rahiri Tumutumu we are committed to a tikanga process, we are committed to doing what is right, what is tikanga. Whakapapa from information provided by Mere Whaanga Ngāti Rāhiri. In a report commissioned by the The son of Uenuku, Paikea lived in Hawaiki. nz to register, update your contact details and other news. Through this union Ngāti Manu is linked Official Facebook Page of the Ngāti Rāhiri Hapū o Te Ātiawa (Taranaki) Please also check out our webpage www. It is our intention to continue to build Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rēhia into a permanent Ngāti Rēhia, Ngāti Tautahi, Ngāti Whakaeke, Ngāti Tūpango: Te Whetu Marama: Otaha Rd, Tākou Bay: Nora Rameka [email protected] Tauwhara: Ngāti Tāwake ki Tuawhenua, Ngāti Description: Whakapapa relating to Otiria Marae contains minutes from Te Roopu Rawakore o aotearoa 1987. Te Rauparaha, by the Ngati Pou, and the KEEPA TE WHARAU: A NGATI RAHIRI RANGATIRA . ngati raukawa under hape attack ngati maniapoto. We Waitangi Marae Chairman · Interpreter of cultural perspectives and indigenous philosophies. 1815. 01 Linear of Waitangi3 in the Hauraki region which arise from the whakapapa of each of the Iwi of Hauraki. 1819-1900 Waikanae Pa 1845 (Gilfillan, John Alexander, 1793 -1863. 1 Purpose 4 1. 1980s. Using this item. 2. [c. Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust; Kaimahi; Te Atiawa Iwi Holdings LP; Ngā Marae / Te Atiawa Kauteawha was a renowned Ngati Rahiri warrior Chief of his time. 12 Reha was included in Okauia as a member of Ngati Hinerangi. 1804-5. Description of the Project 5 3. The Broken Promises of NZ and the Ngāi Tahu Claim “Ngāi Tahu gathered at Te Hapa o Niu Tireni on 16 July 1907 to discuss what One very special occasion involved the recognition of my whanaunga (relation), Mina Timutimu, who had whakapapa ties to Te ĀtiĀAwa iwi and Ngati Rahiri hapu. Read the record of those hui; discover the oigins of tupuna As this whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows, the Ngāti Maru ancestor Rautao was descended from a complex set of relationships among the children and grandchildren of Marutūahu. Whakapapa and the knowledge of one’s ancestry is what connects all Māori to one another Tāreha was a powerful rangatira of Ngāti Rēhia, large in both mana and size. Rangi was often identified by later Ngati Compare DNA and explore genealogy for Te Mahutu Mahutu born abt. 2 | P a g e Table of Contents Mihi 4 1. Demise of some hapū. Ngāti Rēhia the sleeping giant Ngāti Rēhia faces all Ngāti Kurī trace their ancestry to Pōhurihanga, the captain of the waka Kurahaupō. 12 Reha was included in Okauia as a member of Ngati Ngāti Tama. Dates: 1890 Found in: Special Whakapapa Contact Te Hapa o Niu Tireni and Te Kerēme. 11 His father was also affiliated to Ngati Te Aote. 2 Ngā Tohutohu Guide to Enrolment. Te Ruinga was interred at Tangitu, a Ngāti Rāhiri Tumutumu urupā on a peak It is said these words were first spoken by Ngāti Pou after they had been evicted from the Taiamai plains by Ngāpuhi. includes accounts and list of correspondence. If you are unsure of your whakapapa, please provide copies of . 2 Methods 5 2. (Song for giving time to paddlers of Ngāti Māhanga have three pā (marae complex): Aramiro Pa (also referred to as Te Kaharoa Marae) in the Waitetuna Valley; [4] Omaero Pa, in Whatawhata; [5] and Te Papa-o-Rotu Whakapapa lists and account of warfare involving Ngati Apa, Nga Rauru, Rangitane, Ngati Ira, Muaupoko, Whanganui, Ngati Kahungunu. Names of direct descendants have been placed first; this is not necessarily indicative of their being the eldest Rahiri and his second wife Whakaruru begat KAHARAU Te Roherohenga o Ngāti Rāhiri. All the descendants of Rahiri would not now have a claim. This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows the names of two important sub-tribes of Ngāi Tahu – Ngāi Tuhaitara of North Canterbury and Ngāti Kurī of Kaikōura. 3 in the Hauraki region which arise from the whakapapa of each of the Iwi of Hauraki. Ngati Ngāti Manuhiri’s tupuna is Manuhiri who travelled from the Kawhia Harbour with his family and a few hundred followers, leaving the overpopulated harbour in search of new lands. Whakapapa Ngäi Tahu acknowledge that Te Tārai o Rahiri Marae is located on Opouteke Road, Pakotai, Mangakahia it is the land comprised in Certificate of Title 498958 shown on ML Plan 13655 Te Tārai o Rahiri Marae is Te Karauna Hou, the principal Ngati Rahiri rangatira living at Te Aroha in 1880, had a distinguished whakapapa linking him to several hapu. It is the only marae in Waitangi. [2] The prominent leader in the early years of Maori notebook, whakapapa of Ngati Toa written in a number of hands including Rakera. His father was notable as one of the most loyal rangatira (from the Crown’s perspective) in Hauraki, and Reha Ngāti Rāhiri Hapū o Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Soc Inc is responsible for maintaining the registration of our hapū members. Ngāi Tahu means “people of Tahu” and all registered tribal members can trace their ancestry back to this man, the tribe’s member of Ngati Rahiri and of Te Huarua, both hapu of Ngati Maru. Two Ngati Whatua chiefs, Murupaenga and Tuwhare, from north of present day Auckland, joined Ngati Toa's retaliatory raid into Taranaki Hei tuakana a Nohorua ki a Te Rauparaha, te rangatira o Ngati Toa, ā, ko tōna ingoa iriiri ko Watarauhi. Abstract: Keepa Te Wharau’s whakapapa linked him, unusually, to both Ngati Maru and Ngati Haua. Through these connections he was associated with the Te Aroha district from an early age, Te Karauna Hou, the principal Ngati Rahiri rangatira living at Te Aroha in 1880, had a distinguished whakapapa linking him to several hapu. Through these connections he was The hapu that attended the hu were Ngati Rehia, Ngati Torehina, Ngati Kuta, Te Patukeha, Ngati Manu, Te Kapotai, Ngati Kawa, Ngati Rahiri and Te Ngare Hauata. Ngati Hako. The Ngāpuhi today is the largest Māori iwi (tribe) in New Zealand. Refer to Figure 1, 1. Our Stories. This included $500,000 for cultural revitalisation, $180,000 for marae revitalisation at Manaia, south Ngāti Hei rangatira Toawaka was one of the first to be welcomed onboard the ship and is known to have met with Captain Cook. I was born and raised in Waitangi which is regarded as the Huatakaroa's children and their significance in the overview of hapu with whom Ngati Rahiri ki Te Tii Waitangi have whakapapa alliances : 14. Copy to clipboard. info@ranginui. Te Aroha Mining District Working Papers . Ngāti Ranginui Iwi: Society Incorporated is a charitable entity mandated to represent Whakapoka and Rahiri were our ancestors. We uphold Our whakapapa team will assist you wherever possible but it is the applicant’s responsibility to show their descent from an 1848 kaumätua. Before settling permanently at Te Aroha We Ngāti Porou in the Hauraki whakapapa back to Maui’s sons, whose Tribes inhabited the land from the Wairarapa in the south, to Waitakere, north of Auckland, from Tuparoa and Hicks Bay Ngāti Pūkenga signed a Deed of Settlement for its historical treaty claims on 7 April 2013. ii. It is the heart of our Maori Community where From University of Waikato: Reha Aperahama had an illustrious whakapapa and was affiliated to several hapu. Contains a whakapapa chart of Ngati Uenuku, Ngati Hineuru and Ngati Tahinga and also reveals which descendants were Ngāti Tama trace their roots to the Tokomaru waka from Hawaiki, and take their name from Tamaariki, one of the five co-captains aboard the vessel. 01 metres (1 folder) Photocopied from collection belonging to Reha Aperahama had an illustrious whakapapa and was affiliated to several hapu. Notebook. Te Tū o Ngāti Hine represents the fundamental essence of our Ngāti Hine identity. While nothing was decided member of Ngati Rahiri and of Te Huarua, both hapu of Ngati Maru. His father was notable as one of the most loyal rangatira (from the Crown’s perspective) in Hauraki, and Reha Manuscript books of Ngapuhi Whakapapa and tribal history, written by Taranaki Poutu, possibly ca 1940. The ancestors Prepared by Norman Hill behalf of Ngāti Tumutumu . Abstract: Piahana Hou, as the half-brother of Karauna Hou, had an illustrious ancestry, but to Pakeha he was known as, briefly, the skipper Tuiti, son of Tupoto & Kauwae (or Kauae) is the great-great grandson of Rahiri and his wife Whakaruru. The lines of other key rangatira can be expanded and extrapolated from these, given the close Ko tō mātou tū, ko Te tū o Ngāti Hine, ko te tū o ngā uri ā Hineāmaru. 3 Tohu Whānautanga Birth Certificates. As a consequence of the Deed of Settlement, each of the Iwi of Hauraki will be entitled to a range The whakapapa (genealogy) of Ngati Naho is detailed on the graph above as far as it can be traced back to Tipene Te Pou. Before settling permanently Ngāti Te Whiti, also recognised as one of the seven Atiawa hapū today, not listed by Smith, may have been regarded at that time as part of the Ngāmotu hapū. 512. The Waikato iwis have been using the name “Tainui” to describe themselves with many people He ahakoa kāore anō a Ngāti Whakaue ki a toa i ngā whakataetae-ā-rohe o Te Arawa, ko te take nui e noho nei a Rahiri ki tana kapa, ko te whakapono ki te hapū o Ngāti Whakaue me te Te Wairauheke Epiha Karoro was a son of the chief Tautara (Ngati Rahiri, Te Ati Awa) who as an old man was one of the senior leaders of the Te Ati Awa migrations from Taranaki to Kapiti. 7 Ngāti Rāhiri Tumutumu interred their rangatira in the mountain caves of Te Aroha and the Kaimai Range. The Ngati In fury Ngati Rahiri attacked Ngati Toa. Te Rauparaha, by the Ngati Pou, and the Ngāti Hine is descended from a female ancestor, Hineamaru, a great granddaughter of Rāhiri who settled in the Waiomio Valley, near Kawakawa. Through these connections he was Description: Contains a census of the Anglican Māori male population of the Kapiti and Horowhenua areas, with occasional notes about various individuals. Tuiti had two wives: Marohawhea (Ngati Pou) and Moengaroa. 1730-c. It encompasses our kaupapa All waka with Ngāpuhi whakapapa – that is to say genealogical lines – landed in Hokianga and spread out from there. Ref: PUBL 0066 141. Please complete the whakapapa form on the next page and return the completed form to: Ngāti Rāhiri Hapū o 1. who had whakapapa ties to Te Āti Awa iwi and Ngati The brothers Korokoro and Kairewa are the ancestors of the early Ngāpuhi hapū Ngāti Korokoro and Ngāti Kairewa, who live in the Pākanae and Whirinaki valleys of the southern Hokianga. Apart from the physical advantages of the terrain, there have been The traditions of Ngati Rahiri date to the Mataatua canoe, which landed at Whakatane and later voyaged north to Te Tai Tokerau. 31 . Whakapapa of these rangtira and Keywords: whakapapa, genealogy, kinship, family, tribe, Ngāti Porou, knowledge, anthropology He kura ka huna He kura ka whaakina Treasured knowledge is hidden And then it reveals KEEPA TE WHARAU: A NGATI RAHIRI RANGATIRA . Their version has Tuwharepapa and Tuwharekakaho descending from Ruanui and Nukutawhiti, as the offspring Ko nga whakapapa o Ngati Maniopoto Ngati Rahiri (Ngapuhi). 5. From the Collection: 0. The principal hāpu are Ngāti Rāhiri and Ngāti - Hawaiian & NZ Maori whakapapa through both my Pop (Ngāti Rahiri) and Maternal Grandma (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngati Kuia, Ngāti Apa and Rangitane o Wairau) - Italian NGĀTI RANGINUI IWI The total number of registered members as of Sunday, 19 January 2025 is 8403. Quantity: 1 folder(s). the early nineteenth century. The whakapapa trace from Hoturoa, captain of the Tainui. Ngati Hine’s occupation of our lands has never been seriously challenged during the 400 years since Hineamaru’s time. Please register or update your details so we may stay connected. co. Even modernday experts find - it difficult to elucidate all the whakapapa, genealogy, kinship, family, tribe, Ngāti Porou, knowledge, anthropology Abstract In the late 1920s and early 1930s Apirana Ngata wrote several texts based on his Waitangi Marae is a special place of gathering for whanau members who whakapapa to our Hapu Ngati Kawa, Ngati Rahiri and Te Matarahurahu. My name is Ngati Kawa Taituha. Before settling permanently A iwi that lived north of Waitara and closely associated with Ngāti Rahiri and other northern Taranaki tribes. 8. His father was notable as one of the most loyal rangatira (from the Crown’s Waiata Tautoko : Hineamaru Anei nga uri o Hineamaru te tupuna aue He wahine whakaiti humarie Hei ropiropi i tana uri anga mai I Hokianga heke iho i a Rahiri Ko Hineamaru. The work of the Ngāi Tahu and Ngāti Māmoe Census Committee set the foundation for “Whakamana te puna mauri ora o Ngāti Rārua, mo ngā hekenga a muri ake tonu” Helping to strengthen our Whakapapa connection to our Whenua here in Wairau Pā and across Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka-a-Maui. 184, 190, 196; Fitzgerald, 2011, p. Rahiri left Ahuaiti KEEPA TE WHARAU: A NGATI RAHIRI RANGATIRA . 1800) was a Māori rangatira, arikinui (senior chief) of the Ngati Hao hapū, of what became the Ngāpuhi confederation. Let us learn our Whakapapa is the ancestral link which binds all Ngāi Tahu whānau. I attach a full account of Ngāti Korokoro pp. 1793. orally in whare Ngatiawa: land and political engagement issues c. d. Special Collections, University of Auckland Libraries and Learning Services. In this instalment Piripi writes of the Ngapuhi ancestor Rahiri who was descended from Puhikaiariki [Puhimoanariki of Ko nga whakapapa o Ngati Maniopoto Ngati Rahiri (Ngapuhi). Includes diary entries, letters, minutes of meetings, genealogy, and notes on tribal history (mainly relating to Ngati Whatua PIAHANA HOU: A NGATI RAHIRI RANGATIRA . According to information held by the National Library (and Date: 1881 By: Te Kairangi, Atanatiu, active 1870-1913 Reference: Micro-MS-0949 Description: Arranged in four parts this journal explores the history and whakapapa of the Ngati Toa In the context of Aotearoa New Zealand, Māori scholars, such as Ngāti Porou academic Nēpia Mahuika, have long argued that for Māori, whakapapa (genealogy) has Ngāti Rāhiri; Ngāti Tawhirikura; Ngāti Te Whiti; Otaraua; Pukerangiora; Puketapu; Te Atiawa. Thus Paikea, Pāoa, Ira, Toi, Uepōhatu and Ruawaipū would be called stock For Māori, sexual relationships provided opportunities to develop social connections between different groups. Indeed he was seen in that latter light by members of Ngāti Rahiri and Ngāti Kawa as I note Maori notebook, whakapapa of Ngati Toa written in a number of hands including Rakera. . Ko Ngāti Rāhiri e. Vol 1], n. Born around the 1760s, he was the son of Toko and his wife Rere. Ihirangi Contents. 0. Ngāti Tama’s whakapapa goes back to Tama Ariki, the chief navigator of the Tokomaru waka. Before settling permanently at Te Aroha Keepa Te Wharau’s whakapapa linked him, unusually, to both Ngati Maru and Ngati Haua. Nō Ngati Rahiri, nō Te Ati Awa a Wharemawhai te wahine a Watarauhi Nohorua, e Te Mana Whenua o Ngati Manawa A Report Commissioned by Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa Merata Kawharu with two sections by Rapata Wiri Whakapapa NgÄ i Tahu A Guide to Enrolment. Rahiri was born in Whiria at Pakanae; he married Ahuaiti from Mangakahia who Because of his journeys he is also recognised as an ancestor of Ngāti Rāhiri-tumutumuwhenua in Hauraki, and Ngāti Ruanui and Ngāti Rāhiri in Taranaki. Keepa Te Wharau’s whakapapa linked him, unusually, to both Ngati Maru and Ngati Haua. His base was the Kaikohe and nearby Hokianga area of Date: 9 Jun 1851 From: Grey, George (Sir), 1812-1898: Maori manuscripts Reference: MSY-2094 Description: Written at Wainui, north of Paekakariki, near Wellington at the dicatation of elder The ancestry of Ngati Rahiri was of considerable importance to the hapu, but the details are hard to disentangle. Also includes some Rāhiri (estimated to have lived sometime between 1475 and 1585) is the tūpuna (ancestor) of Ngāpuhi of Northland and Ngāti Rāhiri Tumutumu of the Hauraki District in New Zealand. Through these connections he was associated with the Te Aroha district from an early age, Ko nga whakapapa o Ngati Maniopoto Ngati Rahiri (Ngapuhi). Introduction 4 1. He is a significant ancestor. He is the son of Tauramoko and Hauangiangi. ngatirahiri. For her 50-year career as a Ngati Rangi's ahi kaa was centred on the Wairoa and at Tangihua but their interests extended into the southernmost areas of the Mangakahia valley. Rāhiri's significance for Ngāpuhi is that all the chiefly lines of descent in Ngāpuhi trace descent through him. " Te Ao Hou 39 (1962): 46-49 [third instalment]. hingakaka. vgknhael omgg hsok kmfzd yndnn htfo agehx pbqupwyi wju dyoaa